Susan has been working at the highest levels of broadcast journalism for the last fifteen years. She has reported many historic moments in some of the world’s most respected newsrooms; covering the Gulf War and the resignation of Margaret Thatcher at ITN, the fall of the Berlin wall, and the release of Nelson Mandela for LWT’s network documentary series, “Eyewitness”.
Susan anchors major radio news programme and regularly presents national and international TV news bulletins. She also presents radio phone-ins and television news location reports.
Susan is proud to be at the forefront on the campaign to eradicate FGM in the UK and recently chaired the Intercollegiate Symposium which led to the House of Commons launch of the report by The Royal College of Midwives, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Royal College of Nursing and Metropolitan Police on the issue. The Metropolitan Police have asked Susan to chair an international conference on FGM in Spring 2014.
As a media trainer, Susan can offer the benefit of a wide range of experience of differing styles of interviewing as well as a valuable insight into what journalists want from an interview.
Clients include Dell, Merrill Lynch, Direct Line, various Local Government authorities, National Savings, Rolls Royce, First Utilities.