Practical Media Training

David Bowen-Jones Media Training

David has interviewed 7 heads of state, rebel leaders, cabinet ministers, company chairmen, scientists, trade unionists, artists, writers, celebrities, and stars. He has trained academics, business leaders, politicians, government think tanks and individuals to ‘face the press’ with confidence even in difficult situations.  He has worked as a Producer and Director on ITV World In Action and BBC Panorama and also Produced for John Humphreys, Roger Cook (and many others) . He was also a news editor for ABC News in America.

David has developed and formalised the 3P matrix system for Media Training, a systematic and disciplined way to organise, prioritise and define your communications. For more details please Contact Us .

How we will train you

Typically a day’s Media Training includes an industry specialist and known media presenter. Additional training sessions in an actual television studio can be purchased. We will discuss each client’s specific training needs and submit an appropriate programme proposal and estimate.

Each trainee should come away from the course armed with:

  • an understanding of the process of news and media production;
  • an effective, thorough and confidence-building system for preparing for the media;
  • an individual awareness of personal performance and presentation and how to improve;
  • A collection of troubleshooting techniques for dealing with a variety of media problems.

After an in-depth seminar with the media trainers, each trainee will be put through their paces in a rigorous, filmed TV-style interview with former investigative journalist David Bowen-Jones. Where there is a second trainer, they will work with David bringing their own industry knowledge or media expertise into play. After individual analysis and coaching by the trainers the trainees will then put their new skills into practise in a number of varied simulations. A system for methodical development of relevant content will be demonstrated.

As part of the Media Training Feedback from us will include DVDs or password protected web pages with video of the interviews and notes by the trainers, including a summary of the taught techniques and an analysis of each individual’s performance.

Our own performance is very important to us, so each trainee will be asked to fill in a feedback form, letting us know their views on the training.


The Media Training training enables individuals to deal confidently and competently with the media, working together to communicate a consistent and identifiable personality for the whole organisation. Consistency is vital if the specific themes and timetables of a communications strategy are to work properly.

We find that the effect of the training often reaches beyond media relations. There can be a huge motivational impact, as trainees reaffirm their role. Our systems can improve internal as well as external communications.

The following have given us 10/10 in their feedback on training sessions:

Microsoft, National Savings, McClaren F1, Philips, Siemens, Nokia, OmniSky, Olympus, Motorola, Rolls Royce, BMW, Amersham, EDS, Financial Dynamics, Prudential, Lotus Group, Merrill Lynch and Direct Line


The directors of TVPP have produced and directed some of the most prestigious and hard hitting TV programmes in the UK and USA. We have rehearsed and directed the world’s highest paid TV talent in front of the camera and have supervised crucial moments from behind the camera.

We have worked with Peter Jennings, Barbara Walters, Jon Snow, John Humphrys, Angela Rippon, Anna Ford, Roger Cook, Tom Jones, Gaby Roslin,Terry Jones, Lloyd Grossman, Anna Chancellor Roland Rat and many others.

The formats TVPP have produced or directed include Panorama, World in Action, Channel 4 news, ITV news, ABC news, CBS 60 minutes, NBC news, ABC nightline, Good Morning America, Good Morning Britain, TVam, Wife swap, Driving me crazy and  Arena.

We now apply our insight and knowledge to help board directors, ministers, doctors and scientists to get difficult messages over to the media. We media train from the board room to the shop floor and from the consultant to the patient.

TVPP has worked with local, national, and international PR agencies . TVPP has worked all over the world, ENEA and Russia.

Trainer’s include: David Bowen-Jones, Susan Bookbinder, Annie Turner, Susan Alexander.

We can provide training for great performance on TV, radio, print interviews, live events. We have unique, copyrighted systems to help prepare you for the really tough questions.

Former war correspondent and investigative journalist David Bowen-Jones teaches you how to set your own agenda and get your message across. Tough and professional news presenter Susan Bookbinder joins him to put your new skills to the test, enabling you to develop the confidence and framework to best represent yourself and your organisation.

We can advise you on crisis management and how to analyse your business to generate effective communication.

Client Feedback


Will the training enable you to develop material that will be useful for your future needs?

“I feel like I can be confident giving interviews now!”

“Absolutely essential and very helpful.”

“I now have concrete advice on shaping my research into a media-ready product.”

Marks for content?

“10 – very easy tools and great insight into the industry”

“Very much enjoyed the whole experience, terrified when I arrived but got a lot from the day”

“Best training at this company I’ve received, thanks!”

“Great structure, will certainly utilise it.”

Did you feel your personal performance was significantly improved?

“By about 200%!”


“Without a doubt. I’m cringing just remembering my first interview.”

“(I went from being) tongue-tied to a media dominatrix”

Did you find that the interviews gave rise to constructive thinking?

“Yes! my brain hurts! 10/10”

Can you comment on our patented system?

“Essential – a really useful tool to take away.”

“Excellent way to focus key messages”

“Really impressive way of remembering how to deliver the message.”

“Excellent to have a framework to use and understand where journalists come from.”

“10/10 It works and you learn it in a short space of time and I feel it will stick in my head.”

“New one for me after 14 years in PR, so very useful rule of thumb”

Marks for awareness or sympathy for your own business situation:

“10/10 – David was incredibly aware of our business”

“10/10 for the research you did into our business”

“Very comprehensive in a short time”

Was the balance between criticism/difficulty and encouragement/suggestions right?

“10/10. Perfect, criticism was always constructive and suggestions of how to make it right were excellent.”

“Yes, it was very challenging and we pushed through the comfort zone.”

Marks for trainers:

“10/10 – Interesting, lively approach.”

“10/10 – excellent A*”

Too much or too little in the day?

“There was a lot of info and I’m tired, but it was fascinating and fun.”

“Really balanced – difficult and challenging but enjoyable.”